Community Bulletins

Our beloved President, Late Dr. Abdul Kalam during his visit to KENSRI told us “Happy Community – Happy Country”.  We are learning about the issues facing our communities in India and for better understanding of each other.  

We are doing a need survey to see what are the priorities of a community and providing you the format of emergency numbers that you should have it on a wall or near the phone for easy access.
We KENSRIites believe in “Giving back more than we get”.


Community Bulletin.. Namaste vs Handshake by Maheshwari A, Class VII (2023-24)


                                                                                                                                           More Details:


  1. Liked the drone presentation. I personally am a UAV lover and liked it a lot and the violence against women was an awareness creating one.

  2. Liked both the drone as well as the violence against women.


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